This function terminates the ACN (Automatic Collision Notification) to the telematics provider. After a collision in which the DCM receives "Collision Detection Signal", the vehicle will send the emergency call notification to the telematics provider until the ACN call end utility has been run, or the BUB (Back-Up Battery) (if equipped) is depleted. Use the ACN Call End utility to stop the ACN call.
The BUB (Back-Up Battery) must not be replaced while an ACN call is in progress.
After the ACN call end utility has been completed, the BUB (Back-Up Battery) must be replaced.
(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
(b) Turn the ignition switch ON.
(c) Turn the Techstream on.
(d) Choose "Telematics" from the System Selection Menu, and then click "Utility".
(e) Click "DCM Service" on the Utility Selection Menu.
Body Electrical > Telematics > Utility
Tester Display |
DCM Service |
(f) Choose "ACN call end" and then click "Next" on the DCM Service Utility.
*a |
Example |
(g) Follow the instructions on the Techstream.
Toyota CH-R Service Manual > Air Conditioning System(for Automatic Air Conditioning System With Side-mounted
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The air conditioning amplifier assembly sends operation signals to the PTC heater
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Detection Item
DTC Detection Condition
Trouble Area
Steering Angle Sensor
A fail fl ...